Academic Catalog

OPT-7505 Geometric Optics with Laboratory 1

This course, which is the first part of a two-term sequence, introduces the student to the fundamentals of geometric optics. The course begins with an introduction to the properties and behavior of light. We will look at how light bends across different surfaces and the resulting images that are produced. In particular we will discuss the imagery of single spherical refractive surfaces, thin lenses, mirrors, and cylindrical surfaces both from a mathematical perspective, as well as visually through the use of ray diagrams. We will also discuss the properties of the prism, and imagery of light through the prism. These basic properties of lenses and prisms will support the discussion of refractive error and ophthalmic lenses discussed in the ophthalmic optics course. These optical theories also form the basis for skills and examination techniques and procedures used in clinical practice. Students will gain confidence with the course material as they work through concepts and calculations in weekly instructor-led problem solving sessions (PSS). We will also work with the material more closely during two laboratory sessions. In these labs, we will demonstrate and replicate the optical principles discussed in lecture.

